A Conversation with Vlad Sokhan
17 Oct 2019



A transcript of an interview with Vlad Sokhan from 8 October 2019 about CCP5 and Molecular Simulation in the CCPs


CoSeC_Logo_high-res.jpgThis is the transcript of a recorded conversation between Vlad Sokhan (VS) and me, Paul Durham (PJD), which took place at Daresbury on 8th October 2019. The context is that Bill Smith, Martyn Guest, Ilian Todorov and I were writing an article on “Molecular Simulation in the CCPs”, to be ready by the 40th anniversary of CCP5 in 2020. In the summer of 2019, I had given an informal talk on this subject to colleagues in the Scientific Computing Department, after which VS had made some very interesting brief comments on the impact of the CCP5 Newsletter on his early days as a researcher in Kiev, Ukraine. It seemed worthwhile to ask VS more about this – hence this “interview”. I recorded it on my iPhone, and then found a free app that claimed to produce transcripts. This worked reasonably well – certainly good enough to use as a basis for editing – and from it Vlad and I produced as close to a verbatim text as we could. After the transcript itself, I attach an email Vlad sent me later on the day of our conversation. This gives more details on his interactions with CCP5 and other points mentioned in our talk.

Interview with Vlad Sokhan.pdf

Contact: Durham, Paul (STFC,DL,SC)