Software Outlook Publishes Two New Reports
20 Nov 2020



Containerisation: the who, what, why and when; and, New Best Practices in Software Engineering Guide: Version Control Systems






The first of Software Outlook’s new publications provides an overview of code 
containerisation, the different available containerisation technologies, guidance 
and example usage.
Code containerisation is starting to become a popular means of deploying​ software applications and is of interest to the UK’s Collaborative Computational 
Projects (CCPs) and High-End Computing Consortia (HECs). 
There are now a number of containerisation options available and it is important that the correct choice is made according to the needs of the individual CCPs and HECs.
Software Outlook’s Chris Dearden has examined the different options and 
provides clear guidance in Software Outlook’s publication, which is available here
This guide was requested by the CoSeC Community and will help to improve their 
software deliverables, as well as being of use to a much wider audience. 
Software Outlook has already provided training to some of the CCPs and is 
available to provide training to other CCPs and HECs.

The second of Software Outlook's reports is a new best practice guide on an overview of different version control systems, explaining why they are of benefit to software developers, and best practice guidance in their use. 

Version control can and should be a part of every developer's toolkit. Version Control Systems automate the perennial tasks of keeping track of changes both big and small, and maintaining the ability to undo those changes when necessary, while also providing the ability to centrally manage and synchronise multiple parallel development tasks between separate people, groups and goals.

The new guide contains:-
    - An overview of different version control systems,
    - An explanation of why version control systems are of benefit to software developers,
    - Best practice guidance in their use.

Benjamin Mummery, the author of the guide, has produced a very clear and personable guide, which is available here​.​ 

This guide was requested by the CoSeC Community and will help to improve their software development practices, as well as being of use to a much wider audience. Further best practice guides on continuous integration and deployment, documentation tools, and software testing are under development. ​

Contact: Geatches, Dawn (STFC,DL,SC)