CIUK 2020 Programme
30 Sep 2020





​Switching CIUK 2020 to a completely online conference was a major decision for the Organising Committee but one that has allowed us to expand the conference to include many more activities than we could if we were organising a face-to-face conference restricted to certain dates. 

We are extremely excited to provide details of our extended CIUK 2020 programme that will include online seminars, new product announcements and user meetings throughout the month of November - all leading up to the CIUK 2020 conference on Thursday 3 December.

The calendar below will be updated as new events are added so please check back regularly. For further details, including information about how to sign up and how to access the events, click on the links included with each activity.


Mon 12 Oct
Tue 13 OctWed 14 OctThu 15 Oct
Fri 16 Oct
Sat 17 OctSun 18 Oct

CIUK Cluster Challenge 1
​Mon 19 Oct
Tue 20 Oct​Wed 21 Oct​Thur 22 Oct​Fri 23 Oct​Sat 24 Oct​Sun 25 Oct​

CIUK Cluster Challenge 3
Mon 26 Oct
Tue 27 Oct
Wed 28 Oct​Thu 29 Oct​Fri 30 Oct​Sat 31 Oct​Sun 1 Nov​

CIUK Cluster Challenge 4
​Mon 2 Nov
Tue 3 Nov​Wed 4 Nov ​Thu 5 Nov​Fri 6 Nov​Sat 7 Nov​Sun 8 Nov​

CIUK Cluster Challenge 5
​Mon 9 Nov
Tue 10 Nov​Wed 11 Nov​Thu 12 Nov​Fri 13 Nov​Sat 14 Nov​Sun 15 Nov​

CIUK Cluster Challenge 6
​Mon 16 Nov
Tue 17 Nov​Wed 18 Nov​Thu 19 Nov​Fri 20 Nov​Sat 21 Nov​Sun 22 Nov​

CIUK Cluster Challenge 7Bulk Blog
Maximising HPC investment through data center

Bright Computing
Bright Cluster Manager 9.1

​Mon 23 Nov
Tue 24 Nov​Wed 25 Nov​Thu 26 Nov​Fri 27 Nov​Sat 28 Nov​Sun 29 Nov​

CIUK Cluster Challenge 8


Interactive High Performance Computing using ThinLinc
14:00 - 16:00
​Mon 30 Nov
Tue 1 Dec​Wed 2 Dec​Thu 3 Dec​Fri 4 Dec​
3rd OpenMP Users Developer Conference

CIUK Cluster Challenge 9
CIUK Cluster Challenge 10
​Spectrum Scale User Group​

Talk 1: 15:30 "Spectrum Scale and NVMe Storage"

Talk 2: 16:00

"Spectrum Scale Clustered Watch Folder"

CIUK 2020
09:30 - 17:30
See below

for agenda​


CIUK 2020 Programme

Thursday 3 December 2020

​09:30 - 09:45
​Tom Griffin
Director, STFC Scientific Computing

Welcome to CIUK 2020​
​09:45 - 10:15
Mischa van Kersteren OCF
Jim Roche Lenovo

Mischa Head Shot.jpg  Jim Roche Pic 2020.jpg

Sustainability in HPC

Abstract: Humanity is currently consuming energy at an unsustainable rate. As an industry HPC needs to help tackle this. From a research standpoint we have been part of the solution since the very beginning with climate modelling and energy research. However, the same effort has not been placed into making our installations as energy efficient as possible. In this talk OCF and Lenovo discuss ways in which HPC installations can be made more sustainable, both from a design and a technology perspective. It will include an initial presentation (supported by slides) which will cover hardware selection, scheduler configuration and cooling considerations as well as a customer case study.

​10:15 - 10:45
Vassil Alexandrov
STFC Hartree Centre


​Hartree Centre: Five Year Research Computing Perspective

Abstract: The Hartree Centre is transforming UK industry through High Performance Computing, Big Data and AI. As such the Hartree Centre performs transformative research and development addressing key industrial, societal and scientific challenges. Backed by over £170 million of government funding and significant strategic partnerships with organisations such as IBM, Atos, Intel, Nvidia and a collaboration agreement with the Alan Turing Institute, plus an established collaboration with the US National Labs in Exascale computing, the Hartree Centre is home to some of the most technically advanced high performance computing, data analytics and machine learning technologiesin the UK. Our mission is to apply these to diverse applications with high industrial, societal and scientific impact. Our research strategy has been to develop scalable mathematical methods and algorithms and, through advanced Research Software Engineering approaches, ensure scalability at all levels of the stack starting from mathematical and algorithmic level, through programming models and environments level and down to systems level. The talk focuses on our five year perspective and gives examples of the work being undertaken at the Hartree Centre, applying scalable mathematical methods and algorithms approaches to challenge-led projects for the benefit of the UK.

​10:45 - 11:15
Simon Plant and Ash Vadgama
National Quantum Computing Centre

Simon-Plant.jpg   Speaker_Outline.png

​Introduction to the National Quantum Computing Centre (NQCC)​

Abstract: The National Quantum Computing Centre (NQCC) launched in September 2020 based upon an investment of £93m by UKRI over 5 years through EPSRC and STFC, as part of the National Quantum Technologies Programme (NQTP).   The aim of our work is to support UK government, industry, and the research community to enable the delivery of quantum computing capabilities for the UK.   Our focus is on the challenge of scaling Quantum Computers and to support the wider UK ecosystem.   This presentation will provide the background, the NQCC strategic intent, details about the NQCC facility (to be based in Harwell, Oxford), the technical programme, and a summary of the 5-year plan

​11:15 - 11:30
​11:30 - 12:00
Enol Fernández​
Cloud Solutions Manager, EGI Foundation


EOSC and the EGI Cloud Federation​​

Abstra​​​ct: ​​The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is a European Commission initiative aiming at developing an infrastructure providing its users with services promoting open science practices. The EGI Fedeation is the largest distributed computing infrastructure in the world, and brings together hundreds of data centres worldwide and also includes the largest community cloud federation in Europe with tends of cloud providers across most of the European countries offering IaaS cloud and storage services. EGI has been actively contributing to the implementation of EOSC since its launch. This presentation will introduce the EOSC initiative and the EGI contributions to EOSC with a focus on the implementation of the EOSC compute platform and the delivery of various components of the EOSC Core services​

​12:00 - 12:30
John Taylor
Chair, H&ES Technical
Working Group


​The ExCALIBUR Hardware and Enabling Software Programme

Abstract: The goal of ExCALIBUR is to redesign high priority computer codes and algorithms, keeping UK research and development at the forefront of high-performance simulation science. The challenge spans many disciplines and to support this, the H&ES programme will establish a series of testbeds to inform design criteria for the overall ExCALIBUR software programme. The presentation will cover the overall strategy of the programme, some of the current test-beds and the plans and expectations for future prototype environments.

​12:30 - 13:30
​13:30 - 14:00
John Dudley
University of Cambridge

​The CIUK Jacky Pallas Memorial Award Presentation


Probabilistic User Interface Design Strategies for
Next-Generation Augmented Reality Applications

Abstract: Head-mounted Augmented Reality devices enable the blending of digital content into the physical world such that the apparent distinction between what is real and what is virtual begins to blur. This emerging paradigm unlocks fundamentally new ways of performing work or delivering entertainment. However, building enjoyable and productive interfaces and interactions for Augmented Reality devices necessitates a step change from the design of conventional experiences delivered on a computer, tablet or smartphone. This presentation will introduce the concept of probabilistic user interface design and demonstrate its potential in supporting the development of next-generation Augmented Reality applications. Two illustrative studies will be presented tackling the critical computing task of entering and displaying textual content in Augmented Reality.

​14:00 - 14:30
Lorena Barba
George Washington University


Expanding the role of HPC centres on training and collaboration for reproducibility

Abstract: At SC20 last month, I was invited to speak about my work and insights on transparency and reproducibility in the context of HPC. The title of my talk was "Trustworthy computational evidence through transparency and reproducibility," and the session's theme was Responsible Application of HPC. This talk will complement my SC20 invited talk by focusing in particular on the role of HPC centres. The question I wish to reflect on is: how could teams at supercomputing facilities work with researchers to help them adopt better reproducibility practices? 

Video of SC20 invited talk:

​14:30 - 14:45
​14:45 - 15:15
Agnel Joseph
STFC Scientific Computing


CoVal: A web-resource for validating cryo-EM structures of
SARS-CoV2 and mapping genomic mutations

Abstract: Since early 2020, a huge amount of research has gone into understanding the molecular mechanism behind SARS-CoV2 viral infection. Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and tomography have been among the key techniques used to determine the three-dimensional structures of macromolecular components of the virus and how these components drive viral activity in the host. I will talk about our recent work on computational methods and tools for validating the cryo-EM structures of molecular assemblies of SARS-CoV-2 virus. The virus is evolving and its response to therapy may change with time. To understand how the SARS-CoV-2 genome mutations may affect structures and underlying molecular mechanisms, we have been developing an automated pipeline for identification of SARS-CoV2 genome mutations and map them onto 3D structures from cryo-EM. This will be deployed as an open-access web-service at the STFC cloud.

​15:15 - 16:00
Martyn Guest
ARCCA, Cardiff University


Performance of Computational Chemistry Codes. An Analysis of Gromacs, GAMESS-US and VASP on multi-core processors

Abstract: This session will overview application performance on a variety of clusters, focusing on the AMD EPYC Rome and Intel Cascade Lake & Cascade Lake-AP family of processors. Using the Intel Skylake Gold 6148 as the baseline, an assessment is made across a variety of Rome SKUs (e.g., the 7702, 7742, 7452 and 7502), with system interconnects from both Mellanox and Intel. Our analysis involves the familiar parallel benchmark performance using popular chemistry community codes – from Molecular Dynamics (Gromacs), Quantum Chemistry (GAMESS-US) and Materials Science (VASP). The challenge is how to present a 'like for like' comparison given the vast array of core densities and whether this should now be on a “node-by-node” basis rather than the traditional “core-by-core” consideration.

16:00 - 16:30
16:30 - 16:35
Tom Griffin
Director, STFC Scientific Computing
CIUK 2020 Poster Competition Results​
16:35 - 17:30

 Torsten Hoefler
ETH Zurich


A Data-Centric Approach to Performance Portability

Abstract: The ubiquity of accelerators in high-performance computing has driven programming complexity beyond the skill-set of the average domain scientist. To maintain performance portability in the future, it is imperative to decouple architecture-specific programming paradigms from the underlying scientific computations. We show Data-Centric (DaCe) Python, which translates specially crafted Python code into parametric dataflow graphs. We demonstrate DaCe on CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs over various motifs --- from fundamental computational kernels to graph analytics. We show that DaCe delivers competitive performance, allowing domain scientists to develop applications naturally and port them to approach peak hardware performance without modifying the original scientific code.

​17:30Tom Griffin
Director, STFC Scientific Computing

Wrap up and close​



Contact: Computing Insight UK